Sunday, April 24, 2016

Bicycle Thieves

In his father’s shadow, the little man mirrors step for step. The dance changes when he is commanded or rebuked and parallels at a distance. Each time the mood of the choreography changes, the boy considers, and then makes adjustments. 

Sometimes the directions are confusing. Should he enjoy his sandwich or mourn for the loss of future meals? What is the correct procedure for tracking a man down during a church service? Are his concerted efforts worthwhile, since his father is preoccupied and flawed? Ah yes, for he is also dedicated and resolute. 

Much can be learned from a partner like that.


  1. I mostly liked the relationship between the father and the son, and the odyssey they followed to escape abject poverty. But the journey was all there was, there was no conclusion, which disappointed me. It just seemed to end in the middle.

  2. so true

    I wanted closure, hope even.
