Sunday, June 26, 2016

42 Reasons to LOVE Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

1. Musical Production

2. The Narrator

3. Martin Freeman

4. Towel Armament

5. Mos Def

6. The Vogon

7. Sam Rockwell

8. "I found the imagery quite effective."

9. "Resistance is useless!"

10. Starship Heart of Gold

11. Infinite Improbability Drive

12. Sunny Disposition Doors

13. Zooey Deschanel

14. Lightsaber Toasting Knife

15. Alan Rickman/Warwick Davis as Marvin

16. Detects What You're Craving Replicator

17. Bless You John Malkovich

18. "I checked The Guide for the best way to rescue a prisoner from Vogsphere, it said "don't"."

19. Slapping Shovels

20. Emergency Escape Pod Windshield Wipers

21. "She's lying. She's skinny, and she's pretty, and she's lying!"

22. "Leave this to me. I'm British. I know how to queue."

23. Love and Kisses, Zaphod

24. Bureaucratic Paperwork

25. "To ensure ongoing quality of service, your death may be monitored for training purposes."

26. "Go with a hunch of a man who's brain is fueled by lemons?"

27. "I wonder if it will be friends with me. Hello Ground!"

28. Portals

29. Magrathea Sunset

30. Helen Mirren as Deep Thought

31. Bill Nighy

32. "Doing the coast lines was always my favorite. And, we used to have endless fun doing the little fiddly bits around the fjords."

33. "It may disturb you. It scares the willies out of me."

34. "Ever heard of a place, I think it's called Norway? That was one of mine, I got an an award for it."

35. Point of View Gun

36. "It won't affect me. I'm already a woman." (Maybe the best line ever!)

37. Factory Floor

38. Earth Groomers

39. "Undoubtedly, unequivocally, unabashedly yes. And for one week, one week in my sad little blip of an existence, it made me happy."

40. Closed Gate

41. Trailer Stove

42. "In the name of liberty, and freedom, and people, and... stuff... let's do that again!"


  1. I followed HGttG since the 80s radio show, through all the novels, the TV show and more. There was a lot I liked about the film, but there was something it was missing for me. I know that the film's pacing was stepped up, which I didn't care for. The quality of actors and production was much, much higher... but that kinda lessened the experience. I guess in the other incarnations the script was the main thing. Perhaps I wanted that to be center again. Douglas Adams is... was... the best.

  2. He is a hard act to follow! smirnoff's enthusiasm and my giving it another chance, really did the trick with this movie. I too think it's the actors who make it shine. Wow, Steve. You've really outdone yourself with this post! So much work! I don't make it easy for you, do I? :) LOVE the whale video!
