Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Singing Ringing Tree

The German title sounds way better, Das singende, klingende Bäumchen (Say that ten times fast!). 

This children's film about the Veruca Salt of princesses, is short and sweet and sends a great message (much nicer than Struwwelpeter). The fake sets, strange animals and miniature landscapes, actually add to it's charm. 

Wiki quotes an quote from Roger Thomas, "Imagine a fairy tale conceived by Wagner and directed by Fritz Lang, with nods in the direction of The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari and German expressionism, and you'd be close." He forgot to mention plot points and themes from Taming of the Shrew, Willy Wonka, Beauty and the Beast, Doctor Doolittle and H. R. Pufnstuf.

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