Thursday, October 22, 2015

Double Indemnity

My Absent-Minded Professor has gotten himself into a heap of trouble. 

This time around I was prepared, in that a decade ago the Apartment toppled my icon of fatherhood. Fred MacMurray convinces, whether he acts in light comedy or more serious fare.
Déjà vu was rampant during the viewing of this film; mostly because I’ve seen it copied in countless other movies.  I finally have traced Venetian blind shadows back to the headwaters. 

Oh, and MacMurray did provide a nickel's worth of redemption.


  1. I've only seen DI once, and it remained completely uncomfortable because The Absent Minded Professor doesn't do this kind of thing. I was stunned. Still haven't recovered, really.

  2. :)

    I'm still a little shaken myself. Even more disquieting is my fond memories of "Follow Me Boys!"

  3. Or what about My Three Sons? Remember that?
